Thursday, November 29, 2007

My favorite quotes

Why intellectuals toss their quotes? Dictionary says repeating or copying the exact words spoken or written by someone is called quotes. What they really have in their mind while tossing such quotes? Do they consult and drill through many pages of a dictionary, a thesaurus, trying to put right words in right place, wasting stack of papers, filling the dustbin, emptying the ink-bottles, scratching their heads while pile of hairs comes off between their fingers and nails so that the particular phrase could stand out in their books or article and have a chance to become a quote. Or as in some cases or often in speeches, it is like in-a-jiffy, “Ha! Here you go! Catch a quote!”. It is funny to think that why intellectuals toss their quotes or why we turn their humble phrases into famous quotes.

Any way, much burden to some intellectuals’ cardiac tissues and facial muscles to express deep sadness for not picking their quotes, I have my own way of selecting my “quotes”. They are:
  1. Yâdhum Ooré Yâvarung Kélir (Tamil: யாதும் ஊரே யாவருங் கேளிர்) means To us all towns are one, All men our kin. It is the first stanza of a Purananuru (புறநானூறு) poem written by one Kaniyan Poongundran (கணியன் பூங்குன்றன்) who belongs to the laic Sangam literature community, ca. ~4th century BCE.
  2. The non-secular Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (Sanskrit) means We all belong to one single cosmic family, from gods, demi-gods, other ‘exobiological’ entities, planets, galaxies, ‘humble’ human beings to neutrinos, neurons, dust and mist.” We all belong to one single cosmic family. It is from Hindu philosophy. Time unknown.
Though the above two are my favorites quotes, the following quote, which is also from Hindu philosophy (Rg Védâ, ca 1500 BCE), on creation amazes me all time.

“Who knows and who can say whence it all came and how creation happened? The gods themselves are later than creation. So who knows truly whence it has all reasoned? Only he, who surveys it all from the highest heavens, only he knows. Or perhaps even he does not know.”

What made this particular philosopher to wonder that the god himself may not be aware of creation or he himself is a creation of creation. He does not start his humble phrases with “God knows everything”, but instead he starts with “Who knows and who can say”. How bold it is? It seems he is not aware of hell, I suppose. And he continues with “The gods themselves are later than creation”. And the final phrase is such an audacious one. “Or perhaps even he, who surveys it all from the highest heavens, even he does not know it. The creation. The origin of creation”. What kind of freedom he enjoyed from his faith to think like this? That too few thousand years ago!

So god, who are you? Where are you? I am left with questions, but no answers. Why do you fascinate us, divide us, or creating an illusion that seems you are dividing us? Why not stand shoulder to shoulder with man and beast? Why do you haunt us? Why don’t you just leave us making us immortal fearless spirits? Just questions, nothing more. Or perhaps even he does not know the answers for the above questions.

Anyway, it is too funny to think about quotes and the intellectuals behind them.


  1. Hi Manoranjan!
    "We all belong to one single cosmic family, from gods, demi-gods, other ‘exobiological’ entities, planets, galaxies, ‘humble’ human beings to neutrinos, neurons, dust and mist.”
    is my favorite too.
    I found you through YouTube looking for film about water.
    If you don't mind I'll put this video in my next post about water.

    You created a wonderful place/s.

    All the best to you!

  2. Hi Krystyna, Thanks for your comments and thanks for the wishes.

  3. Child of Universe,
    God is an infinite net of energy bounding and tying everything together in strings of synchronicity...IT is beyond evil and good, it is even beyond mathematics! Remember, mind divides, rationalizes, scrutinizes; religions are fabrications of the mind thus inevitably cause divisions. If you immerse yourself deep into the Amazon, for example, primitive people will show you what, where and who is God. Nietzsche came close to reality when he said man is a bridge between the beast and the what is haunting here is the fact that we are mere men -some mere beasts- and that rising above your own evil and good in searching for enlightment and a higher purpose in life is too hard for the hedonistic inclination in all of us, and also a very lonely task. Aurobindo speaks of becoming ONE with God through your work (Lights on Yoga), Osho speaks of uniting your inner man and woman for a cosmic orgasm in becoming ONE with God (Secrets of Yoga) and on and on...Look, stop asking questions and listen to the voice of silence inside you. Shut all distractions of the senses, seek nature, escape the realm of cement and pollution and you will discover God in you and others. "And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should, therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive him to be" from Max Ehermann's Desiderata.
    Wow, I really like your blog. Keep it up.
